Week 1:
1. Variable এবং Data types
2. Basic syntax এবং keyword পরিচিতি
3. Keyword পরিচিতি এবং basic operations (arithmetic)
4. Previous class থেকে অর্জিত জ্ঞান দিয়ে Problem Solving
Week 2:
5. Decision making statement বা Conditional Logic
6. nested if else and how these statements work
7. Problem Solving with Conditional Logic
Week 3 & 4:
8. Loops (for loop)
9. While এবং Do While loop
10. Problem Solving with Loops
11. Nested loop & How Loops work
12. Creating various Patterns
13. Problem Solving with nested loop
Week 5 & 6:
13. Array পরিচিতি
14. How Arrays work
15. Problem Solving with Arrays
16. Multi-Dimensional Array
17. Basic Operations of Array
18. Problem Solving with Arrays (again)
Week 7:
19. Functions
20. Recursive Function
21. How functions work
22. Problem Solving with Arrays and Functions
week 8:
23. Pointer and References
24. Pointer and Array
Week 9:
25. Strings
26. Strings and Arrays
27. Problem Solving with Strings
Week 10:
28. Vector, List
29. Stack, Queue
30. Set, Map
31. Problem Solving with Container
Week 11 & 12:
32. Sorting Algorithm (Bubble Sort)
33. Insertion, Selection Sort
34. Searching Algorithm
35. Problem Solving
36. Merge Sort
37. Quick Sort
38. Problem Solving
Week 13:
39. OOP (Objects, Classes, Methods)
40. Abstraction, Encapsulation
41. Inheritance, Polymorphism